Monday, May 25, 2009

Get Fit Challenge Has Ended!

It has been 13 weeks since we started our Get Fit Challenge, and now it's time to test ourselves again to see how far we've come!

Back in February, fourteen moms signed up for the Get Fit Challenge, and each mom participated in a variety of activities, including the Plank (hold for as long as possible), a Shuttle Run (run 30 paces and back, twice, in your best time), Push Ups (as many as possible), and Running a Mile (time yourself).

Over the course of the last 13 weeks, these moms have had a chance to work themselves and get fit by coming to Stroller Strides classes and making healthy choices at home.

This week, we'll "re-test" all the participants and see what kinds of improvements have been made! Prizes will go to the mamas with the most overall improvements!!

Congratulations to Amber, Ashley, Christina, Courtney, Claire, Dawn, Erin, Jennie, Katie, Melissa, Becky, Andrea, Calley, and Kara. I'm proud of you!