Emily and Dawn attended the Stroller Strides National Conference in San Diego October 14-17. What an amazing experience! There were dozens of franchisees and instructors from all over the country who came to participate in a few days' worth of inspirational academy courses, lectures from informed presenters, and, of course, intense workouts!!
The overall theme for this year's conference was "Make a Difference." It was inspired by the story of a little girl who was walking along the sea shore, tossing starfish that had washed onto the beach back into the waves. I man running by stopped and asked why she was doing that. "There are millions of starfish on the beach," he said, "You can't possibly make a difference!" The little girl picked up one starfish, tossed it into the sea, and said, "It made a difference to that one."
This is such a sweet and powerful message, and a reminder that we all have it in us to make a positive difference in the world by even the smallest gestures. Remember, to the world you may be just one person, but to one person, you may be the world!
Here's to another fabulous year of Stroller Strides, Luna Moms Club, and - soon! - Fit4Baby here in the Treasure Valley.
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